Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Painting the Little Boy's Room...

This past weekend Patrick and I decided to tackle the project of painting our nursery for the little boy.  Since his bedding is pretty busy and the room is kind of small, we decided to do something very clean and simple.  Three of the walls we just painted back to a basic off-white and one wall is a light blue with a white strip in the center.  We had such teamwork!  I did all the outlining, while Patrick did all the rolling.

Our plans are to add some type of decorations in the white strip...whether its circles, his initials (wish we knew what those were going to be?!?!), his name, name it.  Another "getting ready for baby" item that we can check off of our list!  Next is to finally tackle the bedding...I have to make the first cut :)

More pregnancy updates...We started our birthing classes this past Sunday.  Our teacher is great and we are looking forward to the next few weeks.  We've been doing our exercises and Patrick has been very supportive.  Wish us luck!  At our doctor's visit this week, I have now gained 15 pounds....eeks...he's growing!  We had to do the glucose testing and will find out the results tomorrow.  Hopefully all is good and mom is nice and healthy.

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