Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Parker's First Aggie Event...Muster

Parker had his first official Aggie event on April 21, 2011.  We attended the Williamson County Aggie Muster in Georgetown.   And he finally got to show off some of his Aggie apparel!

"Softly Call the Muster...."

A little history on Aggie Muster...

Aggies gathered together on June 26, 1883 to live over again their college days, the victories and defeats won and lost upon the drill field and classroom. Eventually the annual gathering evolved into a celebration of Texas Independence on San Jacinto Day – April 21st. Over time the tradition has changed, but its very essence has remained “If there is an A&M man in one hundred miles of you, you are expected to get together, eat a little, and live over the days you spent at the A&M College of Texas.” Muster is celebrated in more than four hundred places worldwide, with the largest ceremony on the Texas A&M campus in College Station. Aggie Muster as we know it today is credited to E. E. McQuillen ’20, who served as the Executive Secretary of The Association of Former Students. It is fitting that he was honored to serve as the first Campus Muster speaker.

The committee was recognized as a student organization in 1950. Like the tradition itself, the committee has transcended the eras and events throughout its history and remained true to the timeless ideals of Muster. The Muster Committee is responsible for organizing and planning every aspect of the tradition, from speaker to barbeque, awareness to the Roll Call – this committee continues the livelihood of this great tradition year after year. The committee falls under the discretion of the Student Government Association. The 2010 Muster Committee is composed of twenty three committee members, six sub-chairs, and one chair. Their tasks vary among the five subcommittees: Awareness, Programs, Roll Call and Families, Speaker Selection, and Special Operations.

Muster is a time to look to the past, present, and future…not only to grieve but to reflect and to celebrate the lives that connect us to one another. A gesture so simple in nature yet so lasting in spirit, Muster is the lasting impression every Aggie leaves with us; it reminds us of the greatness that lies within these walls, of the loyalty we possess, of the connection that binds us, and of the idea that every Aggie has a place of importance – whether they are present in flesh or spirit.


1 comment:

  1. OMG WHY AM I THE WORST FRIEND EVER!!!?!? I didn't even know you were pregnant much less had a baby! I am sorry I am so terrible Allison, he is BEAUTIFUL! We need to introduce our babies one of these days! How are y'all? Please email or facebook or something I would love to get in touch! So glad to know about your blog! Love you Heberts!
    The Reinbergs
